
Lista de frases en inglés Avanzado lección 1

You´re too pessimistic/ Eres demasiado pesimista
Do you have enough money?/ ¿Tienes suficiente dinero?
Show it to me/ Muéstrame a mí.
Where were you when it happened/ Donde estabas cuando ocurrió.
They´re almost as tall as I am/ Son casi tan altos como yo.
Do you know how to write a business letter?/ ¿Sabes cómo escribir una carta de negocios?
I get tired easily/ Me canso fácilmente
Bring it to me/ Tráemela.
This is much better/ Esto es mucho mejor
There are a lot of small mistakes/ Hay muchos pequeños errores.
Do it like this/ Hazlo asi.
They always take him by car/ Siempre le llevan en coche.
Do you know where they live?/ ¿Sabes dónde viven?
Don't leave your things here/ No dejes tus cosas aquí.
Let me try/ Déjame intentarlo
You´re going to have a lot of problem/ Vas a tener muchos problemas
They left/ Se marcharon
I think it's going to rain/ Creo que va a llover
I'm glad to know you're well/ Me alegro de  saber que estas bien.
What happened to you?/ Que te ocurruió
I don't feel well./ No me encuentro bien.
What does he know about me?/ ¿Qué sabe él de mí?
You have to do it this way./ Tienes que hacerlo de esta forma.
If you don't make an effort, you won't win./ Si no haces un esfuerzo, no ganarás.
You can come with us if you want./ Puedes venir con nosotros si quieres.
You don't like them/ No te gustaran.
I don't want to continue (go on)/ No quiero seguir.
Say good-bye to them/ Despídete de ellos.
I'm waiting for them to leave the room./ Estoy esperando a que salgan de la sala.
Look both ways before crossing./ Mira a ambos sentidos antes de cruzar.
I would like to be famous./ Me gustaría ser famoso.
Sit down and listen to me for a moment./ Siéntate y escúchame por un momento.
Why did you do it that way?/ ¿Por qué lo hiciste de esa manera?
They told me you were angry/ Me dijeron que estabas enojado.
Do you mind if I smoke/ Te importa si fumo.
They aren't tall enough/ No son lo suficientemente altos.
There are too many people here./ Hay demasiada gente aquí
If you hear strange noise, call me./ Si oyes ruidos extraños, llámame.
Can you help me (to) take this to the kitchen?/ ¿Puedes ayudarme a llevar esto a la cocina?
What time do they have to be here?/ ¿A qué hora tienen que estar aquí?
I am looking for someone to take me to the hotel./ Estoy buscando a alguien que me lleve al hotel.
Wish them luck./ Les deseo suerte
What are you going to do?/ ¿Qué vas a hacer?
What's going to happen?/ ¿Qué va a pasar?
How has your vacation?/ ¿Que tal tus vacaciones?
There aren't as many people here as in my country./ No hay tanta gente aquí como en mi país.
Where are you going to get it?/ ¿Dónde vas a conseguir?
I haven't seen it./ No lo he visto.
Those people are like you and me./ Esas personas son como tú y como yo.
Don't try to be different./ No trates de ser diferente.
I didn't do it./ No lo hice.
Who did it?/ ¿Quién lo hizo?
Did they do it?/ ¿Lo hicieron ellos?
Would you mind using the other car?/ ¿Te importaría usar el otro coche?
There were a lot of people there when I arrived./ Había mucha gente allí cuando llegué.
There are always a lot of people there./ Siempre hay mucha gente allí.
My people don't do things like that./ Mi gente no hace cosas así.
You´re going to regret it (be sorry)./ Vas a lamentarlo.
I thought you would agree./ Pensé que estarías de acuerdo.
Be patient./ Se paciente.
Remember what I'm going to tell you./ Recuerda lo que te voy a decir.
It's going to be an interesting experience./ Va a ser una experiencia interesante.
I haven't seen him yet./ No lo he visto todavía.
What I need is a car that works (runs)./ Lo que necesito es un auto que funcione .
Tell them what you told me./ Diles lo que me dijiste.
I didn´t say that./ Yo no dije eso.
I didn't tell you that./ No te dije eso.
We´ll do it if they let us./ Lo haremos si nos dejan.
They left for Brazil last night./ Salieron para  Brasil anoche.
When did you send it?./ ¿Cuando lo mandaste?
we don't have time for that./ No tenemos tiempo para eso.
Give it to me as soon as you have it./ Dámelo tan pronto como lo tengas.
You look like your father./ Te pareces a tu padre
You don't know how to listen to people./ No sabes escuchar a la gente.
Do you always call them so late? /¿Siempre les llamas tan tarde?
They were satisfied with the results./ Estaban satisfechos con los resultados.
Tell me when I have to take it./ Dime cuando lo tenga que llevarlo.
There's been a change./ Ha habido un cambio.
Where were they going when you stopped them?./ ¿A dónde iban cuando les paraste?
Did you hear what they said about the game?./ ¿Oíste  lo que dijeron sobre el partido?
What did they say? ./  ¿Que dijeron?
Tell them the joke you told me last night./ Cuéntales el chiste que me contaste anoche.
I need your authorisation./ necesito tu autorización
I´m going to give you whant you want./ Voy a darte lo que quieres.
They´re starting to clean it./ Están empezando a limpiarlo.
I have to catch the: o´clock plane./ Tengo que coger el avión en punto.
Do you want me to take you to the airport?./ ¿Quieres que te lleve al aeropuerto?
I don't know what I want./ No se lo que quiero
Do what I say, not what I do./ Haz lo que digo, no lo que hago.
When are you going to show it to me?./ Cuando vas a enseñármelo.
Why do you complain so much?./ ¿Por qué te quejas tanto?
What are you looking for?./ ¿Qué estás buscando?
We have to make a good impression./ Tenemos que causar una buena impresión.
Don't get nervous./ No te pongas nervioso.
You read too many detective novels./ Lees demasiadas novelas de detectives.
Why did you get so angry¿?./ ¿Por qué te enojaste tanto?
Most people eat it at night./ La mayoría de la gente lo come por la noche.
Have a good time./ Diviértete.
Don't tell me what I have to do./ No me digas lo que tengo que hacer.
Tell them what you told me./ Diles lo que me dijiste.
I didn´t say that./ Yo no dije eso.
I didn't tell you that./ No te dije eso.
We´ll do it if they let us./ Lo haremos si nos dejan.
They left for Brazil last night./ Salieron para  Brasil anoche.
When did you send it?./ ¿Cuando lo mandaste?
we don't have time for that./ No tenemos tiempo para eso.
Give it to me as soon as you have it./ Dámelo tan pronto como lo tengas.
You look like your father./ Te pareces a tu padre
You don't know how to listen to people./ No sabes escuchar a la gente.
Do you always call them so late? /¿Siempre les llamas tan tarde?
They were satisfied with the results./ Estaban satisfechos con los resultados.
Tell me when I have to take it./ Dime cuando lo tenga que llevarlo.
There's been a change./ Ha habido un cambio.
Where were they going when you stopped them?./ ¿A dónde iban cuando les paraste?
Did you hear what they said about the game?./ ¿Oíste  lo que dijeron sobre el partido?
What did they say? ./  ¿Que dijeron?
Tell them the joke you told me last night./ Cuéntales el chiste que me contaste anoche.
I need your authorisation./ necesito tu autorización
I´m going to give you whant you want./ Voy a darte lo que quieres.
They´re starting to clean it./ Están empezando a limpiarlo.
I have to catch the: o´clock plane./ Tengo que coger el avión en punto.
Do you want me to take you to the airport?./ ¿Quieres que te lleve al aeropuerto?
I don't know what I want./ No se lo que quiero
Do what I say, not what I do./ Haz lo que digo, no lo que hago.
When are you going to show it to me?./ Cuando vas a enseñármelo.
Why do you complain so much?./ ¿Por qué te quejas tanto?
What are you looking for?./ ¿Qué estás buscando?
We have to make a good impression./ Tenemos que causar una buena impresión.
Don't get nervous./ No te pongas nervioso.
You read too many detective novels./ Lees demasiadas novelas de detectives.
Why did you get so angry¿?./ ¿Por qué te enojaste tanto?
Most people eat it at night./ La mayoría de la gente lo come por la noche.
Have a good time./ Diviértete.
Don't tell me what I have to do./ No me digas lo que tengo que hacer.


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